
Course on Anti-Black Racism Deepens Understanding

Oct 25, 2022
Indianapolis flag - dark blue with a white cross, and a white star in a red circle in the middle where the cross intersects

Course: Anti-Black Racism in the U.S. and Building a Unified Society (Summer 2022)
Faculty Mentor: Nicola Daniels

Editor’s Note: Dhabih Chulhai was one of six members of the Indianapolis LSA who took this course together. The Wilmette Institute wishes for the friends in Indianapolis that they be made “saplings of the garden of knowledge and understanding.”

“I thought I was aware of the severity of anti-Black racism through books like White Fragility and The New Jim Crow and shows like 13th that I had consumed prior to taking this course. My understanding was strengthened by new books like The Sum of Us and the many other materials from the course. I also learned how deeply the rewriting of history shapes our views through learning about the real story of the first Thanksgiving.

Since completing the course, I feel more bold to speak out against racist behaviors from Bahá’ís and others in my community. Also, I have planned to share some of these insights through firesides and at Bahá’í Feasts.”



Dhabih Chulhai (Indianapolis, IN)

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